Friday, August 13, 2010

More than a watchman waits for the morning...

I am by profession of this moment a security officer in the employ of Grainger Worldwide. a good job with better pay and benefits than many other jobs.  Working as a officer on night shift I am accustomed to the long hours in the dead of night, and in the head, my own thoughts.  The job requires me to spot on in my decisions to protect  property and assets worth  hundreds of millions. however in the interim there much of what the job requires watching and waiting.

Waiting on something bad or trouble to happen is simply part of the job.This is particularly hard for me, as I am a proactive person, rather than passive. Waiting on something to happen is generally not a good idea anyway, however in this case its true. The essence of security is to be poised and ready should any medical, fire or industrial accident were to happen. The bulk of the job is routine inspections, access control, reports, and reporting safety violations.

The Psalmist, David tell us in Psalms 130,  "My soul waits for you Oh Lord, more than a watchman waits for the morning." ... and I can certainly identify with that!   There are many times in life when we are called upon to wait on the Lord, hesitate or pause. These are not easy or pleasant associations for the 21 st century American.  Who wants to wait? after all we want what we want, NOW!  Time seems to drag  when the shift is on the downside and almost grind to a halt in the last hour,,,we eagerly wait for the relief from the guys on first shift. Much the same, we wait for God in His timing.

God's wheels of justice may grind slow someone said, but they grind exceeding fine!

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