Amazing facts about cells:
The average human has about 100 trillion cells!
The cells functions range from repair tissue, to energy production, to eliminating waste, to fighting off infection and bacteria. I cannot begin to explain the technical aspects of how the cells break down food in three stages, it is too complex. However I do know ATP is important in breaking down of molecules and nucleic acid. This process is made possible by the production of ATP by the breakdown of sugars and fats into little packets which are then distributed where needed in the cell.
Amazing fact: At any given moment 10 to the exponent of 9 of ATP molecules are in solution any second, and in many cells that number is turned over in 1-2 minutes. Those numbers are staggering, something like 10 trillion molecules are broken down and converted into energy ever 2 minutes. Talk about an efficient and supernatural production line. By contrast a combustible engine, a car, only converts only about 20% of its energy into fuel. Man cannot even approach the efficiency of even a single cell, and we have TRILLIONS OF THEM. We havent even begun to talk about the other functions that they cells preform at the same time!
I state all that in reference to the recent talk show I heard with two "establishment" scientists who blathered on about all the complexity in the universe..the design inherent and still came up with the conclusion: The big Bang started the whole process. They see whole of creation, but reach an entirely different conclusion. Funny how, they can easily ascribe a Rolex to a Swiss watch maker, a Rolls Royce to a British carmaker, but something of infinitely more complexity, they go brain dead!
No wonder David said, "I am fearfully wonderfully and made," One can discourse on many different aspects of the human cell, I have just touched on one. Lesson: When you are doubting about your self worth, realize that YOU ARE A MIRACLE NOW, AND ONE IN THE MAKING!
In the my next entry we will talk about some of the practical points what we can learn and apply from cells. For exanple did you know that your cells reflect your health? What you put into your body consistently is absorbed by your cells, your cells literally the mirror of your health!