Recently I was out with a buddy of mine eating at a local restaurant, I mentioned that I was a believer in the Rapture. We talked about the differing viewpoints and those that felt that all Christians must go through the "tribulation" period.. I had attended a church only a few months ago that espoused this position. When I asked one of the pastors to explain it to me, they were stand offish about it..saying something like, well if its that big of a deal to you, then you need to find a different church.

At this cafe, a woman apparently overheard me, and got up to leave.As she passed me she said, Well we believe this and in one sound bite, why she believed in the position that advocates no rapture. Well I was ready to listen to her only there was no conversation. She just left ,obviously not wanting to engage me in conversation or find out my views on the subject. I thought well, thats the precisely the problem with a lot of people. Their views are so entrenched they see the forest for the trees. They are so convinced that they are right, they dont even bother listening to other views.In so doing, deprive themself of a learning experience.
I was interested in talking to this lady, but she wasnt interested in talking to me; just spouting off your own viewpoint without so much as entertaining mine. For those interested in spreading the glorious gospel of salvation..a real tip here. Be an empathetic listener, try to understand their view before expressing yours. You might learn something, and they might be more receptive to an angle that they havent heard before.
Christians would do well, to be better listeners and engage rather than rant and rave about what they believe. After all Jesus was a world class engager, He met people at their point of need and avoided steamrolling people by literary or intellectual brilliance.
"People are more interested in knowing that you care, than caring what you might know"
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