Well here we are at the helm of a New Year, the year 2011, the beginning of a new decade. I am reminded of what happened this weekend over at my parents place for New Years dinner, one of my nieces comes up to me and complains that the video games that I bought for Christmas, only a week after, had already outlived its usefulness. She had already maxed out the levels and was fairly bored with it. I thought my how things have changed; When I was a kid Tonka trucks, hot wheels, and race tracks were in, and we could derive many hours of fun, from simple things. Things like cowboys and indians, and regular sports. Today kids, get bored and restless if they're not wired into a video game, and that enhances their cycle of excitement and subsequent boredom. That is an entirely different topic that I could go on and on about it.
What will happen in the new year? Everybody likes to predict, like mini prophets, but change is elusive as it is unpredictable.
In light of the New Year, I wanted to pose a different topic, change, and the cycles of life. All much too vast to cover in a blog post but sufficient to help us as we take on the new year. Emerson one of my favorite authors had this to say, "The eye is the first circle, the horizon which it forms is the second. This primary figure is rpeated without creed. We are all our lifetime reading th copious sense of this first of forms.
Life is a circle. We progress rise to new heights, and come full circle, then expand. This year I am challenged to dramatically expand my circle. Inherent in that circle is relentless and the incessant beat of change. The only question is whether we can adjust to it. Technology has taken over our society, but do we know how to really harness it to meet our goals, and satisfy our inner longings?
How will this change affect our jobs our occupation and economic security? http://www.coasttocoastam.com/show/2011/01/01
Technology has changed the way we work,the way we network and communicate, and the way we play. Ae you thinking out the implications of this in your business, and personal life? If your job is going to be outmoded by technology have you adjusted to that? I found an good blog that helps us to survive maybe even thrive on that change. Hope you willl go to.http://www.livingorsurviving.com/
We may not have a crystal ball, but we certainly have trends, and those that study and apply those are personally are apt to benefit the most.
"Our life is a apprenticeship to the tuth, that around every circle another can be drawn. There are no fixtures n nature, the universe is fluid and volatile. Permanence is but a word of degrees" (Essay First and Second Series) Ralph Waldo Emerson
This year I resolve to use the internet to help power some of the changes in business and networking, I hope you will do the same.
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