Life is simple, you make choices and then you dont look back-- From Fast and FuriousA HomeTown Girl Makes it Big!
Overcomers come in all shapes and sizes. We tend to think of successful people as professional athletes, actors, or CEO of Fortune 500 companies. However most of the successful people in this country have one thing in common they have a dream a vision, and they set out to achieve it.
Recently I came across a local news article that reminded me of a business that i go past nearly every day. Its SuperDuper publications and its provides creative materials for teachers. Over twenty years ago Susan , a speech pathogist working with elementary school children. Webber was a frustrated teacher who saw a real need in the boring literature that many teachers used. She saw an opportunity and then began a journey to design it. It began with a mailing in the mid-1980's. This mailing was wildly successful and she began what has now become a 28 million dollar a year
As in many entrepenurial endeavors, one has to bankroll the entire thing with the hopes that it will succeed. With Susan they emptied the savings acct and plowed it entirely into two textbooks (workbooks). She came home and cried realizing what she had done. This hometown lady saw the need and was willing to step out in faith...and so it is with every entrepeneur including the Colonel (Kentucky Fried Chicken) David Thomas (wendys) and Sam Walton (walmart). I wonder how many great ideas will die because they will never given life! (acted upon)?
The Webbers encapsulate the youthful spirit that made this nation great. They didnt listen to the naysayers that thought their designs were too childish and wouldnt be taken seriously! They just went out there and find out what worked.
Her husband, at the attorney, had just launched his business when Susan started, today they both work in a 144,00 sq ft warehouse. built like a castle. It is built to foster creativity as seen in the King Tut room as well as Rt 66, Moose Lodge, Hippie Heaven and others. I love to hear how they made their "living" fun.
Which brings me to my point of all successful entrepeneurs: they make their living fun! Compare that the with OG its Monday morning crowd and you see why theyre happy I love to see people have the courage to follow up on their dreams..
The creative juices continue to flow at SuperDuper.. in fact looking at their site may inspire a few creative notions of your own.
Here is the link to the article:
I havent met Susan personally but I know that she would be the first to tell you, Follow your Dreams. Decide and then go for it.
"Motivation will get up in the morning but the force of habit will keep you on track."
Next blog will talk about such a one who by the force of their good habit created a life that they wanted. Along the way the way I am asked, well are you doing what God wants you to do. and I reply He wants me to do what I find joy in!!
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