Saturday, January 28, 2012


I was reflecting upon  the last few months and the events in my life. The emotional turmoil of dating, the rush of trying to succeed in business, and the sometimes CRUSHING DISAPPOINTMENT WHEN EXPECTATIONS ARE NOT MET.   We try to shrug it off but the feeling persists that what we think is reasonable never really turns out in real life form.

Contrast that with the PMA, " Whatever the mind can conceive it can achieve"  This sounds like you can somehow bring into existence an outcome, simply by your thoughts and a formula.  Gurus  talk about visualization and thinking what you want into existence, the reality is that much of what happens in  life is unintended. 

I have been in the dating scene for some time. and inevitably  you will run across some person that you like and want to build a relationship with, but that person will surprise you.  What you expected might be one thing.. however what you get may be something else.

The X factor always plays a role..and of course Father Murphy also intrudes. The X factor may be that person past, and what they havent  told you. The X factor is business might be the question or fact that you  neglected to find out about the customer. The X factor may be a host of other things that you cant account for.

When you set your heart upon something, or expect something that is not in the established order of things, you inevitably set yourself up for disappointment. This is why some of the most disallusioned people in the world have a lot of stuff and the things that are coveted by others, (Tiger Woods, Billy Joel)  yet are not content.

The Bible is so dead on when it says.." Contentment with godliness is great gain.."  I may not be allthat godly but  being content is a sure path to peace.  Guy Finley has a number of good things to say about this, because he delves deeply into an issue and brings insights that most people never think about,

Finley reminds us that tomorrow will come and the sun will rise, and we will still be alone with ourself. We cannot control a lot of things, however we can control our attidude. By Learning to Let Go we progress on our journey to maturity so that nothing really shakes us.

People will stun you, events may powerdrive you into the mat of life.  Your recovery will depend on your faith in yourself and your God.

Next blog entryI want to talk about learning to be happy even when your world is turned upside down, and how to turn disappointment into opportunity.

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