Saturday, March 3, 2012

Create the State you Want! Intro to Anchoring

Have you ever tried to talk to someone and they almost forgot what you said right away?  Do you find yourself stuck in states that are unproductive and cant produce that "flow state? "

How about Monday morning or a weather change  that gets you down? How about a stressful day that things keep piling on top of you and you want to scream!!  Have you ever spoken in front of a group and wanted to be memorable  no matter what age group you are speaking to?

Does this sounds like a pipe dream to you? Actually its not.. NLP has been around since the 60's but it has been made popular namely by a guy named TonyRobbins. Now before you criticize him for the New Age thinking and the fire walks he does, you might want to check out why he is able to achieve outstanding results and breakthroughs for people, celebrities, and companies.

Why would I want to learn anchoring? .. and by that mean a basic working definition of it and how it might benefit you. I dont pretend to have a certification or to have experience in this field, but I do know that this is a proven change technology, that all open minded people investigate.  Lets start out with a basic working  concept of anchoring.

Basic anchoring involves in essence, the elicitation of a strong congruent experience of a desired state, whilst using some notable stimulus (touch, word, sight) at the time this is most fully realized. In many cases, repetition of the stimulus will re associate and restore the experience of the state.

Whether we know it or not we see anchoring going on a basic level all the time, just check out the commericals on TV or adv print,. Remember the Bud Lite commericals, many regardless of their preference for beer can still remember a couple because of  BL effective ad campaigns,. Why do you think they stick in your mind so well? Do you remember the BL frog commercial?  Two frogs were  carrying on a  conversation, I dont remember the conversation but I do remember the commercial from years ago. We all laughed at it. but anchoring was a big part of that. Bl fused a memorable figure a cute frog with funny dialogue and wa la it stuck in your mind.  Every wonder why you remember a certain song? its because you associate images or memories good or bad when you think of the song.

Anchoring helps to create a desire state of  mind, and implant that in your mind.  For example Robbins uses a fist to summon up the state of strong emotions..if you want to experience a rush of strong positive emotions, or a productive state when giving a presentation.. then you need to learn how to use your mind.

People are moved most by strong images and if you can create a strong image in their minds before giving a presentation, youll be able to create a strong finish.

Ie..if you were doing a fund raiser and wanted to access people emotions, you would need to create a strong image.. World Hunger in peoples minds.. and walk them through the emotions of being there, touch taste smell hear etc, to tie them into that in their minds.

If I was talking to a sports banquet I might use a  Fourth and Goal or Ninth inning two outs analogy to summon up the importance of my talk. I would put people in tha  picture to elicit the emotional response that I want. Just facts isnt going to cut it!   

Hollywood is a  master of anchoring..they have a hook and then a image to reel you in, and then youre off in a sensory trip to movie land. Each movie that comes out has a  trailer and its not just to give you a preview of the movie,, its also to test the market to see how  many clicks they get.

For example  Titanic or Jurassic Park or your favorite romantic or action movie all have specfic anchors that plave an indelible impression in your mind.

Assignment: Go to your movie collection and see if you can pull out those anchors that made your favorite movie(s) riveting.  This is a new area of development for me and there is so much to learn, however learning this concept and NLP in general cannot help but improve not only your life but your effectiveness as a working professional or even in full time Christian service.

Good followup link, lots of stuff here.  We can cover this as you wish, or as I attain the necesary certification to understand it.  Anchors away!!

Whether its the Monday morning blues or handling nervousness before a preformance, we have to power to change our minds and our experiences through RESOURCEFUL STATES.

As a mind thinketh in his heart so is he!

For all  those who follow.. Ill send you  a free download of the audio book As a man thinketh by James Allen just as a way of saying thank you.. if you havent received it email me at   I promise you i will keep your info private, Thanks.

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