We live in a world of the 15 second sound bite. Networks demand it, people's attention span is growing shorter and shorter. In general people demand and expect to see more and more done in less time. Employers mandate it, the pace of life has quickened dramatically in the past half century. This is part due to Moore Law, which states that technology and knowledge doubles very quickly see:
In other words knowledge and technology exponentially grow and imposes expectations upon us to keep up. It is our job to maintain a steady, sane approach to life, and remain within our element. There is nothing inherently wrong with technology, however it should serve us dominate our lives as it so often does.
Case in point: I find myself wandering from one things to another at times, and find others that I talk to, tend to do the same. Those that have mastered a thing, learn to marshall their resources to do one thing at a time and do it well. Yes there are times when we must multi task, but this generation has made it a contest to see who can do it the best. Concentration often distinquishes the happy and successful from those who are not.
Concentration is the factor that causes the great discrepancy between men and the results they achieve... the difference in their power of calling together all the rays of their ability and concentrating on one point.
Orison Swett Marden
At the end of the day, its not how many things you have gotten done in a day, its the quality of things that you have done that matter the most. For instance I have a business that demands attention; a certain amount of time must be given to filling out paperwork, and checking for compliance and accuracy. Another portion of my time must be set aside for marketing. My effectiveness is compromised if I mix the two. If I dont fill out the right forms and accurately and on time, I dont get paid. If I dont market, the business dies.
If Ive learned one thing its about concentration, learning to fully concentrate on one item at a time. You must learn to resist distraction, or impulses on doing the easiest thing.
Concentration (44 Quotations)
Any individual can be, in time, what he earnestly desires to be, if he but set his face steadfastly in the direction of that one thing and bring all his powers to bear upon its attainment.
J. Herman Randall
This is a blog that visits different issues and strives to provide a different take on it. I take a fresh approach to life, and comment on happenings in my life. Any suggestions, or comments, please let me know, thanks!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Monopoly on Truth? Dialogue or Diatribe??!!
Recently I was out with a buddy of mine eating at a local restaurant, I mentioned that I was a believer in the Rapture. We talked about the differing viewpoints and those that felt that all Christians must go through the "tribulation" period.. I had attended a church only a few months ago that espoused this position. When I asked one of the pastors to explain it to me, they were stand offish about it..saying something like, well if its that big of a deal to you, then you need to find a different church.
At this cafe, a woman apparently overheard me, and got up to leave.As she passed me she said, Well we believe this and in one sound bite, why she believed in the position that advocates no rapture. Well I was ready to listen to her only there was no conversation. She just left ,obviously not wanting to engage me in conversation or find out my views on the subject. I thought well, thats the precisely the problem with a lot of people. Their views are so entrenched they see the forest for the trees. They are so convinced that they are right, they dont even bother listening to other views.In so doing, deprive themself of a learning experience.
I was interested in talking to this lady, but she wasnt interested in talking to me; just spouting off your own viewpoint without so much as entertaining mine. For those interested in spreading the glorious gospel of salvation..a real tip here. Be an empathetic listener, try to understand their view before expressing yours. You might learn something, and they might be more receptive to an angle that they havent heard before.
Christians would do well, to be better listeners and engage rather than rant and rave about what they believe. After all Jesus was a world class engager, He met people at their point of need and avoided steamrolling people by literary or intellectual brilliance.

I was interested in talking to this lady, but she wasnt interested in talking to me; just spouting off your own viewpoint without so much as entertaining mine. For those interested in spreading the glorious gospel of salvation..a real tip here. Be an empathetic listener, try to understand their view before expressing yours. You might learn something, and they might be more receptive to an angle that they havent heard before.
Christians would do well, to be better listeners and engage rather than rant and rave about what they believe. After all Jesus was a world class engager, He met people at their point of need and avoided steamrolling people by literary or intellectual brilliance.
"People are more interested in knowing that you care, than caring what you might know"
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Pass this to your sons and daughters.!
Every once in a while, a man pens something that trascends time. Rudgard Kipling is not unfamiliar to many Americans. Many remember him in the poem, "The Road not taken." However Mr Kipling also wrote something that you have to read over and over again to digest its wonderful meaning. This poem is just as appropriate for our age and future generations, as any piece that will be written.
Read it and reflect upon each verse. Read it with an intent on not just picking up the surface meaning. Slowly enjoy it without the urge to move on to the next thing. If anything is worth framing in your study, or in your office, this is one such gem: the poem "If.".
Read it and reflect upon each verse. Read it with an intent on not just picking up the surface meaning. Slowly enjoy it without the urge to move on to the next thing. If anything is worth framing in your study, or in your office, this is one such gem: the poem "If.".
Quick Primer on Cell Nutrion
I ran across an article on cell nutrition and found it quite helpful. Today we are bombarded with a fast food temptations through our media. Today it is much easier to slip through the MCDonalds drive thru or nuke a quick meal in the microwave that is devoid of nutrition, Many of the food packages are laced with preservatives, additives, that rob us of a full comlement of vitamins and phytonutrients.
You ask Dave, what are you talking about specifically? Since nutrition is a broad topic, I will focus on two examples that we are all familiar with. Since cells are the messengers that trasmit man communications across the cell membrane they are fed by the nutrition that we supply daily. Most of us, including myself eat way too much "easy" food, and that included white bread for many years. However I found out why, did you know why you should eat whole grain breads, vs white bread? When white bread is produced, the two vital parts of the bread are taken out, the germ and the sprout part of the grain are removed, leaving only the endoperm. In whole grain wheat bread, the wheat germ and sprout part of the grain are left leaving a rich source of E vitamins, and tocopherols, as well as B vitamins, Note the chart in this link that shows the rich connection of whole grain wheat bread and its nutrition.http://www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tname=faq&dbid=19
Inositol, powers the communication between our cell communication, when this breaks down, the cells walls break down more easily and become more brittle. Brown rice, as opposed to white rice is a rich source of inositol.. The cell commuication network is much like the wireless networks within a large metroplitan area, that contain many thousands of connection points. A simple phytonutrient like inositol is literally the force that makes the engine run more efficiently in cell communication.
When you are asked, hey whats the big deal between white bread or whole grain wheat bread, or white rice and brown rice? you can tell them! Knowledge is power, applied wisdom is even better. I admit I have a long way to go in understanding the whys and hows of nutrition, but getting a running start is better than no start. In this internet age, there is no excuse for not feeding your cells the nutrients it needs to power your body more effectively. Again here is the link, enjoy:http://www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tname=faq&dbid=19
Do you want more energy, to give your cells a fighting chance to stave off cancer and other diseases? Feed your cells the right foods! As always your comments are welcome..
You ask Dave, what are you talking about specifically? Since nutrition is a broad topic, I will focus on two examples that we are all familiar with. Since cells are the messengers that trasmit man communications across the cell membrane they are fed by the nutrition that we supply daily. Most of us, including myself eat way too much "easy" food, and that included white bread for many years. However I found out why, did you know why you should eat whole grain breads, vs white bread? When white bread is produced, the two vital parts of the bread are taken out, the germ and the sprout part of the grain are removed, leaving only the endoperm. In whole grain wheat bread, the wheat germ and sprout part of the grain are left leaving a rich source of E vitamins, and tocopherols, as well as B vitamins, Note the chart in this link that shows the rich connection of whole grain wheat bread and its nutrition.http://www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tname=faq&dbid=19
Inositol, powers the communication between our cell communication, when this breaks down, the cells walls break down more easily and become more brittle. Brown rice, as opposed to white rice is a rich source of inositol.. The cell commuication network is much like the wireless networks within a large metroplitan area, that contain many thousands of connection points. A simple phytonutrient like inositol is literally the force that makes the engine run more efficiently in cell communication.
When you are asked, hey whats the big deal between white bread or whole grain wheat bread, or white rice and brown rice? you can tell them! Knowledge is power, applied wisdom is even better. I admit I have a long way to go in understanding the whys and hows of nutrition, but getting a running start is better than no start. In this internet age, there is no excuse for not feeding your cells the nutrients it needs to power your body more effectively. Again here is the link, enjoy:http://www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tname=faq&dbid=19
Do you want more energy, to give your cells a fighting chance to stave off cancer and other diseases? Feed your cells the right foods! As always your comments are welcome..
Monday, November 8, 2010
An amazing energy factory...
Amazing facts about cells:
The average human has about 100 trillion cells!
The cells functions range from repair tissue, to energy production, to eliminating waste, to fighting off infection and bacteria. I cannot begin to explain the technical aspects of how the cells break down food in three stages, it is too complex. However I do know ATP is important in breaking down of molecules and nucleic acid. This process is made possible by the production of ATP by the breakdown of sugars and fats into little packets which are then distributed where needed in the cell.
Amazing fact: At any given moment 10 to the exponent of 9 of ATP molecules are in solution any second, and in many cells that number is turned over in 1-2 minutes. Those numbers are staggering, something like 10 trillion molecules are broken down and converted into energy ever 2 minutes. Talk about an efficient and supernatural production line. By contrast a combustible engine, a car, only converts only about 20% of its energy into fuel. Man cannot even approach the efficiency of even a single cell, and we have TRILLIONS OF THEM. We havent even begun to talk about the other functions that they cells preform at the same time!http://www.trueorigin.org/atp.asp
I state all that in reference to the recent talk show I heard with two "establishment" scientists who blathered on about all the complexity in the universe..the design inherent and still came up with the conclusion: The big Bang started the whole process. They see whole of creation, but reach an entirely different conclusion. Funny how, they can easily ascribe a Rolex to a Swiss watch maker, a Rolls Royce to a British carmaker, but something of infinitely more complexity, they go brain dead!
No wonder David said, "I am fearfully wonderfully and made," One can discourse on many different aspects of the human cell, I have just touched on one. Lesson: When you are doubting about your self worth, realize that YOU ARE A MIRACLE NOW, AND ONE IN THE MAKING!
In the my next entry we will talk about some of the practical points what we can learn and apply from cells. For exanple did you know that your cells reflect your health? What you put into your body consistently is absorbed by your cells, your cells literally the mirror of your health!
The average human has about 100 trillion cells!
The cells functions range from repair tissue, to energy production, to eliminating waste, to fighting off infection and bacteria. I cannot begin to explain the technical aspects of how the cells break down food in three stages, it is too complex. However I do know ATP is important in breaking down of molecules and nucleic acid. This process is made possible by the production of ATP by the breakdown of sugars and fats into little packets which are then distributed where needed in the cell.
Amazing fact: At any given moment 10 to the exponent of 9 of ATP molecules are in solution any second, and in many cells that number is turned over in 1-2 minutes. Those numbers are staggering, something like 10 trillion molecules are broken down and converted into energy ever 2 minutes. Talk about an efficient and supernatural production line. By contrast a combustible engine, a car, only converts only about 20% of its energy into fuel. Man cannot even approach the efficiency of even a single cell, and we have TRILLIONS OF THEM. We havent even begun to talk about the other functions that they cells preform at the same time!http://www.trueorigin.org/atp.asp
I state all that in reference to the recent talk show I heard with two "establishment" scientists who blathered on about all the complexity in the universe..the design inherent and still came up with the conclusion: The big Bang started the whole process. They see whole of creation, but reach an entirely different conclusion. Funny how, they can easily ascribe a Rolex to a Swiss watch maker, a Rolls Royce to a British carmaker, but something of infinitely more complexity, they go brain dead!
No wonder David said, "I am fearfully wonderfully and made," One can discourse on many different aspects of the human cell, I have just touched on one. Lesson: When you are doubting about your self worth, realize that YOU ARE A MIRACLE NOW, AND ONE IN THE MAKING!
In the my next entry we will talk about some of the practical points what we can learn and apply from cells. For exanple did you know that your cells reflect your health? What you put into your body consistently is absorbed by your cells, your cells literally the mirror of your health!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Unsung Heroes...
How many of you have heard of a man named Alan Turing? Probably very few, I know I hadnt until I viewed an episode of the History of Museums on the History Channel the other day. I thought of this little known man, who was a genius in his field. He was the main guy who helped to solve the problem of the German advance in Word War II. During that war the Uboats were a smashing success delivering crippling blows to our supply ships to Britain. Our supply ships were helping to stave off the blockade that the Germans were seeking to use to starve the British people into submission. The British were the only power in the way of complete European domination.
Due in large part to the enigma machine, a machine that wirlessly sent coded messages to the Uboats, the Germans were abled to send secure messages,and were ahead of the rest of the world. The United States scrambled to find a way to decode them and keep up.They found human decoding much too slow to keep up in real time. They set about to devise a machine to switch back and forth between decoding algebraic equations, and sending messages to our warships to intercept the Uboats. Obviously this was a huge undertaking. They hired Alan Turing a Cambridge an Harvard graduate in mathmatics, to oversee the project. In 1945 during the height of the war, he devised a formula and machine to decode the messages.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enigma_machine
His heroic and brilliant work helped turn the tide of the war that the Germans would most certainly had won if we hadnt become involved. Now here is a perfect example of a guy born to humble roots, and yet distinquishes himself. Many people can name Douglas Macarthur, Rommel, Eisenhower, but who has heard of Alan Turing?
Unfortunately he didnt live out his years or live up to his potential. He was the center of a scandal in his home country, because of homosexuality. He died from an apple laced with cyanide poisoning.. a mightly intellect slain by a simple act of deception. As I reflected on this story, I realized that many people who are much smarter than the people we constantly see in the public eye will never be known. Some people prefer being behind the scenes, still others are ruined by it. Turing was the foreunner of the modern computer, because many of the principles of computational theory that run modern day computers, were first devised by him.
One can only wonder what he might had achieved with funding and govt support had he not died young? Many of the inventions that run this world are created by people we will never meet or even hear of.. Be content in obscurity and do not seek fame:seek only to find your brilliance and use it for practical purposes in this world.
Turing also came up with idea of artificial intelligence or AI. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alan_Turing
Due in large part to the enigma machine, a machine that wirlessly sent coded messages to the Uboats, the Germans were abled to send secure messages,and were ahead of the rest of the world. The United States scrambled to find a way to decode them and keep up.They found human decoding much too slow to keep up in real time. They set about to devise a machine to switch back and forth between decoding algebraic equations, and sending messages to our warships to intercept the Uboats. Obviously this was a huge undertaking. They hired Alan Turing a Cambridge an Harvard graduate in mathmatics, to oversee the project. In 1945 during the height of the war, he devised a formula and machine to decode the messages.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enigma_machine
His heroic and brilliant work helped turn the tide of the war that the Germans would most certainly had won if we hadnt become involved. Now here is a perfect example of a guy born to humble roots, and yet distinquishes himself. Many people can name Douglas Macarthur, Rommel, Eisenhower, but who has heard of Alan Turing?
Unfortunately he didnt live out his years or live up to his potential. He was the center of a scandal in his home country, because of homosexuality. He died from an apple laced with cyanide poisoning.. a mightly intellect slain by a simple act of deception. As I reflected on this story, I realized that many people who are much smarter than the people we constantly see in the public eye will never be known. Some people prefer being behind the scenes, still others are ruined by it. Turing was the foreunner of the modern computer, because many of the principles of computational theory that run modern day computers, were first devised by him.
One can only wonder what he might had achieved with funding and govt support had he not died young? Many of the inventions that run this world are created by people we will never meet or even hear of.. Be content in obscurity and do not seek fame:seek only to find your brilliance and use it for practical purposes in this world.
Turing also came up with idea of artificial intelligence or AI. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alan_Turing
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Happiness is Contentment
New International Version (©1984) Ecc 1:8
"All things are wearisome, more than one can say. The eye never has enough of seeing, nor the ear its fill of hearing."
Solomon, tells us that the process of life is constantly about seeing or hearing new things...That really explains our age with the advent of new technologies that crowd us with more information than ever before. At first we think its a great thing, all kinds of choices, then we realize that we are submerged with so much that we are entering info overload and it burns our circuits.
Solomon knew that the inner part of a man would never be satisfied on its own. I call the "grass is greener" philosophy. People obtain something or find a new love, or this or that, then monthsor years later its not enough. They repeat the cycle over and over again, until they become jaded. They "eyes is never satisfied with seeing.."
Never truer words were ever spoken, than "godliness with contentment is great gain" Geez, just being content with what you have almost sounds weird. However when you take the blinders off and realize that life is not a series of conquests, but learning to appreciate what you have, you begin to mature.
When you learn that its not what you dont have, its learning to appreciate what you have you start to grow up. Is it wrong it want more? No, but wanting more, shouldnt be an obscession with us. God has promised to be our sufficiency... "For he has said, I will never leave thee nor forsake therefore be content with such things that you have. " Hebrews 13:5 If we are after the pursuit of material things, than how are we shining as the lights in the world?
Instead of racking up debt on your next purchase, think about the eternal nature of things, and how that money could be invested in something long term. Money invested in something long term, has far greater dividends,than anything else. Be content and happy!
"All things are wearisome, more than one can say. The eye never has enough of seeing, nor the ear its fill of hearing."
Solomon, tells us that the process of life is constantly about seeing or hearing new things...That really explains our age with the advent of new technologies that crowd us with more information than ever before. At first we think its a great thing, all kinds of choices, then we realize that we are submerged with so much that we are entering info overload and it burns our circuits.
Solomon knew that the inner part of a man would never be satisfied on its own. I call the "grass is greener" philosophy. People obtain something or find a new love, or this or that, then monthsor years later its not enough. They repeat the cycle over and over again, until they become jaded. They "eyes is never satisfied with seeing.."
Never truer words were ever spoken, than "godliness with contentment is great gain" Geez, just being content with what you have almost sounds weird. However when you take the blinders off and realize that life is not a series of conquests, but learning to appreciate what you have, you begin to mature.
When you learn that its not what you dont have, its learning to appreciate what you have you start to grow up. Is it wrong it want more? No, but wanting more, shouldnt be an obscession with us. God has promised to be our sufficiency... "For he has said, I will never leave thee nor forsake therefore be content with such things that you have. " Hebrews 13:5 If we are after the pursuit of material things, than how are we shining as the lights in the world?
Instead of racking up debt on your next purchase, think about the eternal nature of things, and how that money could be invested in something long term. Money invested in something long term, has far greater dividends,than anything else. Be content and happy!
A Fresh Perspective
There are sometimes in life, that you awaken and your whole life perspective undergoes a metamporphosis. This is an awakening so strong that it send shock waves through your whole system. It is like the healthy teenager goes from football stud on the gridiron to a paralplegic in the wheel chair. Or a mother that swings from a happy mother to a broken person that has lost her kids, or a spouse that get greeted in the wee hours of the morning by a grim faced detective, with the message, " Im sorry to have to tell you"
When you lose your health, even for a few days, you long for the times when you didnt have an affliction. Such was the case when I came down with strep, I had heard of it, but had escaped it up until that point. Then boom, you lose your voice, you chest is racked with coughing spells, and wads of phlegm. You feel like you have bowled over with a Mack truck. You think you can sleep it off, but off you go to the doctor for a dose of antibiotics.
The process of healing isnt immediate, and neither is anything else worthwhile in our lives. The sun comes out after a long rainy season, to make us appreciate its healing rays.. Intimates dont recover their trust until after a time, and our bodies dont recover a toxic germ attack until adequate action is taken.
When the cycle is completed, thats when healing comes. So it is with life, we never really appreciate something until is removed and then we realize. When we strive to let go and let life teach us, it will bring rich perspective that we never knew. IF you ever notice some of the best plays, books,and productions occurrs after a time of great adversity...let life hand you a new pair of glasses to adjust your vision.
Adversity is like a strong wind. It tears away from us all but the things that cannot be torn, so that we see ourselves as we really are.”
Arthur Golden quotes
When you lose your health, even for a few days, you long for the times when you didnt have an affliction. Such was the case when I came down with strep, I had heard of it, but had escaped it up until that point. Then boom, you lose your voice, you chest is racked with coughing spells, and wads of phlegm. You feel like you have bowled over with a Mack truck. You think you can sleep it off, but off you go to the doctor for a dose of antibiotics.
The process of healing isnt immediate, and neither is anything else worthwhile in our lives. The sun comes out after a long rainy season, to make us appreciate its healing rays.. Intimates dont recover their trust until after a time, and our bodies dont recover a toxic germ attack until adequate action is taken.
When the cycle is completed, thats when healing comes. So it is with life, we never really appreciate something until is removed and then we realize. When we strive to let go and let life teach us, it will bring rich perspective that we never knew. IF you ever notice some of the best plays, books,and productions occurrs after a time of great adversity...let life hand you a new pair of glasses to adjust your vision.
Adversity is like a strong wind. It tears away from us all but the things that cannot be torn, so that we see ourselves as we really are.”
Arthur Golden quotes
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Clear and Present Danger!
Lurking at our borders with ever increasing boldness are the REAL TERRORISTS! Since 2006 over 28,000 and counting people have been murdered as a result. Recently 4 people were decapitated and their corpses hung on a bridge, a grisly reminder of the powerful influence that this Juarez cartel wields over the population.
*The attacks are mimicing the car bombs that we have come to know so well in Iraq. Taking a page from the Middle East, the cartel dressed a wounded man in a police uniform, and lured the cops in. When a doctor came close, they detonated a car bomb killing more people.
Despite a major funding iniative, between President Bush and President Calderon, the Mexican govt has only appropriated about 9% of it in fighting the drug wars so far. One has to wonder why? Do they really take the drug war seriously, or have they given up?
There is a lot more at stake than what appears at the surface.
The personal safety of our own citizens is now in question in Arizona.and other border states.
the safety of tourist even in Mexico coastal areas is now suspect.
the Obama administration has been strangely silent on this issue and border protection.
The greater perspective of our country's finances looms large: our illegal immigration and the lack of a cohesive drug war strategy are weighing heavily on our healthcare and law enforcement systems.
See articlehttp://www.politico.com/news/stories/0810/41450.html
As more and more money and troops are funneled into Afghanistan, I wonder why the real close and present danger is being virtually ignored. Who are we kidding here? the violence is an exploding monster, that gets bigger and bigger as it feeds unchecked. The salient question is: When will the administration wake up and address the real issue of our country's security..it had better be soon!
*The attacks are mimicing the car bombs that we have come to know so well in Iraq. Taking a page from the Middle East, the cartel dressed a wounded man in a police uniform, and lured the cops in. When a doctor came close, they detonated a car bomb killing more people.
Despite a major funding iniative, between President Bush and President Calderon, the Mexican govt has only appropriated about 9% of it in fighting the drug wars so far. One has to wonder why? Do they really take the drug war seriously, or have they given up?
There is a lot more at stake than what appears at the surface.
The personal safety of our own citizens is now in question in Arizona.and other border states.
the safety of tourist even in Mexico coastal areas is now suspect.
the Obama administration has been strangely silent on this issue and border protection.
The greater perspective of our country's finances looms large: our illegal immigration and the lack of a cohesive drug war strategy are weighing heavily on our healthcare and law enforcement systems.
See articlehttp://www.politico.com/news/stories/0810/41450.html
As more and more money and troops are funneled into Afghanistan, I wonder why the real close and present danger is being virtually ignored. Who are we kidding here? the violence is an exploding monster, that gets bigger and bigger as it feeds unchecked. The salient question is: When will the administration wake up and address the real issue of our country's security..it had better be soon!
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Comfort level....The Seduction of the Familiar
Have you felt it before? The whisperings of dissent turn into the incessant voice that says, "There has to be something more" or "I know i am not living up to my potential" I need to get out of my comfort zone.
Every football or basketball player has an exercise called windsprints. Now these windsprints are designed to developed anaerobic endurance. That is the ability to function better under duress. If you have ever hung on to you shorts and bent over gasping for air, or heaved your dinner after going through them, well you know what i mean. They are meant to get you out of your comfort zone. Why?
Because that is the only way that game time conditioning can be developed. Ask any serious coach on any level. When you are pulled out of your comfort zone it means that you have the ability to upgrade your life on some level by passing this test.
Ever wonder how we can be easily seduced into thinking that everything is OK, but feel bored and restless? Im pretty sure you have.
Do you want to move out of your financial limits? take on a challenge and finish it. Do you want to move up in your level of physical fitness, take on a challenge and hire a personal trainer. Stick with it!! Do you want to take your business to a whole new level? Then be willing to take those extra steps, to go the extra mile, that marks the separate the men from the boys. ( .“Move out of your comfort zone. You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new.” you can choose to go back toward safey or forward toward growth. Growth must be chosen again and again: fear must be overcome again and again.!
Lets check back in a few days and see where you're to. Do you have an accountabiltiy partner? This usually spells the difference between success and failure. Do it, do it now!
~Abraham Maslow
Start doing one thing in each area of your life that pushes your comfort zone, this I promise you will start to change your life. This wont be huge changes, but incremental ones.
Ninety to ninety-five percent of people will withdraw to the comfort zone when what they try doesn't work. Only that small percentage, 5 or 10 percent, will continually improve themselves; they will continually push themselves out into the zone of discomfort, and these are always the highest performers in every field.
~Brian Tracy
Every football or basketball player has an exercise called windsprints. Now these windsprints are designed to developed anaerobic endurance. That is the ability to function better under duress. If you have ever hung on to you shorts and bent over gasping for air, or heaved your dinner after going through them, well you know what i mean. They are meant to get you out of your comfort zone. Why?
Because that is the only way that game time conditioning can be developed. Ask any serious coach on any level. When you are pulled out of your comfort zone it means that you have the ability to upgrade your life on some level by passing this test.
Ever wonder how we can be easily seduced into thinking that everything is OK, but feel bored and restless? Im pretty sure you have.
Do you want to move out of your financial limits? take on a challenge and finish it. Do you want to move up in your level of physical fitness, take on a challenge and hire a personal trainer. Stick with it!! Do you want to take your business to a whole new level? Then be willing to take those extra steps, to go the extra mile, that marks the separate the men from the boys. ( .“Move out of your comfort zone. You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new.” you can choose to go back toward safey or forward toward growth. Growth must be chosen again and again: fear must be overcome again and again.!
Lets check back in a few days and see where you're to. Do you have an accountabiltiy partner? This usually spells the difference between success and failure. Do it, do it now!
~Abraham Maslow
Start doing one thing in each area of your life that pushes your comfort zone, this I promise you will start to change your life. This wont be huge changes, but incremental ones.
Ninety to ninety-five percent of people will withdraw to the comfort zone when what they try doesn't work. Only that small percentage, 5 or 10 percent, will continually improve themselves; they will continually push themselves out into the zone of discomfort, and these are always the highest performers in every field.
~Brian Tracy
Friday, August 13, 2010
More than a watchman waits for the morning...
I am by profession of this moment a security officer in the employ of Grainger Worldwide. a good job with better pay and benefits than many other jobs. Working as a officer on night shift I am accustomed to the long hours in the dead of night, and in the head, my own thoughts. The job requires me to spot on in my decisions to protect property and assets worth hundreds of millions. however in the interim there much of what the job requires watching and waiting.
Waiting on something bad or trouble to happen is simply part of the job.This is particularly hard for me, as I am a proactive person, rather than passive. Waiting on something to happen is generally not a good idea anyway, however in this case its true. The essence of security is to be poised and ready should any medical, fire or industrial accident were to happen. The bulk of the job is routine inspections, access control, reports, and reporting safety violations.
The Psalmist, David tell us in Psalms 130, "My soul waits for you Oh Lord, more than a watchman waits for the morning." ... and I can certainly identify with that! There are many times in life when we are called upon to wait on the Lord, hesitate or pause. These are not easy or pleasant associations for the 21 st century American. Who wants to wait? after all we want what we want, NOW! Time seems to drag when the shift is on the downside and almost grind to a halt in the last hour,,,we eagerly wait for the relief from the guys on first shift. Much the same, we wait for God in His timing.
God's wheels of justice may grind slow someone said, but they grind exceeding fine!
Waiting on something bad or trouble to happen is simply part of the job.This is particularly hard for me, as I am a proactive person, rather than passive. Waiting on something to happen is generally not a good idea anyway, however in this case its true. The essence of security is to be poised and ready should any medical, fire or industrial accident were to happen. The bulk of the job is routine inspections, access control, reports, and reporting safety violations.
The Psalmist, David tell us in Psalms 130, "My soul waits for you Oh Lord, more than a watchman waits for the morning." ... and I can certainly identify with that! There are many times in life when we are called upon to wait on the Lord, hesitate or pause. These are not easy or pleasant associations for the 21 st century American. Who wants to wait? after all we want what we want, NOW! Time seems to drag when the shift is on the downside and almost grind to a halt in the last hour,,,we eagerly wait for the relief from the guys on first shift. Much the same, we wait for God in His timing.
God's wheels of justice may grind slow someone said, but they grind exceeding fine!
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Sheltered or Sharing?
Every year statistics by World Health Organization says that over 4 million people die of starvation each year. One third are overfed, one third are underfed, and the other is starving. grossly undernourished. Since you have been on this site 200 people have died of starvation and every 3 second someone dies of hunger..the problem is enormous/ 3 billion people in the world struggle to get by on $2 a day, while 1.3 billion or more live on less than a dollar a day. It would cost the US only 13 billion to feed the worlds hunger, while the United Kingdom and us spend more on that for perfume. Why do I mention these facts, after all almost everybody knows that our trash is the rest of the world's treasure. we throw out more stuff than the world knows what to do with.
Do we realize what we have? A trip to a number of Third World countries will hit us full in the face with the abysmal prospects that people in these countries face. Today I worked a Open House event with Grainger my employer and enjoyed the sunny skies and the people that I work with. In talking with them, i get to discover their stories, and realize just how fortunate i am. I met Virgil Ellison some weeks ago, in talking with him I quickly realized that this is no high school dropout.. (he worked with the janitorial contractor on sight) Virgil had graduated from University of Kansas with a Masters degree in Public Administration and was working on another degree. At this point in his life he had been laid off his previous work and was having trouble finding work in his area. Skilled and articulate I begin to ask myself some questions. This man had more education and skill with computers than I have, yet found himself having to take work "beneath him"
many of us would be mad and bitter at the prospect of having to work a similar low paying job if life dealt us that hand. How would I react? would i be gracious enough to handle it well? Could I endure the occassional taunts, and superiority of others in management? There are a lot of people who not only have fallen fast, losing their nice homes to foreclosure; but have had to swallow their pride and take jobs with much less pay. We lead protected by sheltered and protected lives, try living in Jakarta, Indonesia a city of 12 million, with only a cardboard shack by a filth river, scraping by on scraps and a skimpy meal day! or how about those sweat shops with companies such as Nike and Tommy Hilfiger? Many very hard working people eke out an existence on about 2-3 dollars a day, while many of us take home 4 to 5 figures a month.
Recently I have been convicted of not putting my money where my mouth is, and will start pledging my money to world relief org like Compassional International and VOM. These organizations not only make a physical investment in lives but plant a spiritual seed to help those helped, turn their lives around. While you read this, a few more thousand died, will you take action? or will you be another mildly interested cooly aloof that says, "keep me out of this."
Do we realize what we have? A trip to a number of Third World countries will hit us full in the face with the abysmal prospects that people in these countries face. Today I worked a Open House event with Grainger my employer and enjoyed the sunny skies and the people that I work with. In talking with them, i get to discover their stories, and realize just how fortunate i am. I met Virgil Ellison some weeks ago, in talking with him I quickly realized that this is no high school dropout.. (he worked with the janitorial contractor on sight) Virgil had graduated from University of Kansas with a Masters degree in Public Administration and was working on another degree. At this point in his life he had been laid off his previous work and was having trouble finding work in his area. Skilled and articulate I begin to ask myself some questions. This man had more education and skill with computers than I have, yet found himself having to take work "beneath him"
many of us would be mad and bitter at the prospect of having to work a similar low paying job if life dealt us that hand. How would I react? would i be gracious enough to handle it well? Could I endure the occassional taunts, and superiority of others in management? There are a lot of people who not only have fallen fast, losing their nice homes to foreclosure; but have had to swallow their pride and take jobs with much less pay. We lead protected by sheltered and protected lives, try living in Jakarta, Indonesia a city of 12 million, with only a cardboard shack by a filth river, scraping by on scraps and a skimpy meal day! or how about those sweat shops with companies such as Nike and Tommy Hilfiger? Many very hard working people eke out an existence on about 2-3 dollars a day, while many of us take home 4 to 5 figures a month.
Recently I have been convicted of not putting my money where my mouth is, and will start pledging my money to world relief org like Compassional International and VOM. These organizations not only make a physical investment in lives but plant a spiritual seed to help those helped, turn their lives around. While you read this, a few more thousand died, will you take action? or will you be another mildly interested cooly aloof that says, "keep me out of this."
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