Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Demon on the GridIron James Harrison

Have you heard of Clark Haggans? I havent heard of him, but i found out that he was a vital link to the fortunes of one James Harrison, feared linebacker and hitting machine for the Pittsburgh Steelers.

Without a insane fierce desire to become a NFL player  James harrison would not have been on this national stage for us to enjoy, or opposing players fear!

James Harrison was a undrafted rookie out of Kent State and had just about a chance to  succeed as Johnny Unitas of the Colts. he was cut 3 times out of the Steelers camp before catching on the fourth time. He was unable to get a starting spot until Clark Haggans went down with a knee injury..

James Farrior, another All Pro player once remarked, "he looks lost, he would give on plays a lot." Not exactly the stuff of an NFL all pro...?  Today he is in the third year of a 51 million dollar contract for six year, testament to his value to the Steeler  organization.

His workouts would make a body builder cringe, and grown men cry and run away.. He not only has the desire he has built his body into a hitting machine that mows through running backs blockers and QB like melted butter!

What we can take away?

He personifies desire, white hot intense desire that made an ALL PRO out of a average preformer

He didnt listen to his detractors, most told him to go back and be a truck driver like his Dad

You grow into your destiny, not show up on game day prepackaged and ready to go!. Many people look for shortcuts and clever techniques to success, Nothing worthwhile comes easy!

Clark Haggan Im sure was a great football player at one time, but thank you  James Harrison for your inspiring story. As we head into the new year, remember that your reward will be equal to your desire and how badly you want it.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Pennywise Pound foolish!

Didnt your mom ever say to you, "whats the point of saving, if you are going to blow on a bunch of silly stuff later?" Mine did.. In your youth we dont have a clear sense of the  value of money nor of its purchasing power.  People will rush to the discount outlets to save money and even fight over bargains.. ala pepper spray episode recently. but they will turn around and buy a bunch of grown up toys on credit cards.

We have to have our  boats, cars, jet skis, motorcyles, but  the end result is that we have little in reserve and much in debt. Penny wise and pound foolish.

 You may have read  about a  83 year old man who  puts his entire savings into one of his suit jackets only to forget it and give it to Goodwill!!  The man hadnt  saved much,. 13,000 but it was all he had.  Evidently he didnt like banks or investments because he mights as well have stuffed in his socks or drawers.  Yea he saved but look where it got him..

Not only did he not grow his money, he lost it all together.!!

This reminds me of the timeless of truth that Jesus speaks about, "He  that  findeth his life shall lose it, and he that loses his life for my sake, the same shall find it.."    Matt 10:39  This sounds like a paradox? How can you lose your life when you find it?   Millions around you are trying to find themselves through the attainment of earthly things, achievements and fame..only to find out soon that it is all for naught.

It doesnt bring them the peace that comes from knowing God.

Mark also wrote,  "For what shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and  lose their own soul" Mark 8:36  I believe that losing your soul can also happen for the Christian.  This is not in the sense of losing your salvation..We become barren when we try to imitate the world and lose our bearings on this earthly journey.  What does the old gospel song say?  " This world is not my home Im just a passing through"  Trying to fill a  God shaped vacuum with stuff is doomed to failure.

Solomon once wrote, "He has put eternity in our hearts.."   Lets live for the bigger picture.

Jim Carrey said something rather shocking to some, " I wish everybody could get rich and famous and do everything they dreamed of, so they can see that is not the answer"  Wow!
This is coming perhaps from a non Christian. I dont know.
Nothing wrong with pursueing success for you, however let it be with a  backdrop of the Kingdom in mind


Monday, November 28, 2011

Overcomer series

Life is simple, you make choices and then you dont look back-- From Fast and Furious
                                     A HomeTown Girl Makes it Big!

Overcomers come in all shapes and sizes. We tend to think of successful people as professional athletes, actors, or CEO of Fortune 500 companies. However most of  the successful people in this country have one thing in common they have a dream  a vision, and they set out to achieve it.

Recently I came across a local news article that reminded me of a business that i go past nearly every day. Its SuperDuper publications and its provides creative materials for teachers. Over twenty years ago Susan , a speech pathogist working with elementary school children. Webber was a frustrated teacher who saw  a real need in the boring literature that many teachers used. She saw an opportunity and then began a journey to design it. It began with a mailing in the mid-1980's. This mailing was wildly successful and she began what has now become a 28 million dollar a year

As in many entrepenurial endeavors, one has to bankroll the entire thing with the hopes that it will succeed. With Susan they emptied the savings acct and plowed it entirely into two textbooks (workbooks). She came home and cried realizing what she had done. This hometown lady  saw the need  and was willing to  step out in faith...and so it is with every entrepeneur including the Colonel (Kentucky Fried Chicken) David Thomas (wendys)  and Sam Walton  (walmart).  I wonder how many great ideas will die because they will never given life!  (acted upon)?

The Webbers encapsulate the  youthful spirit that made this nation great. They didnt listen to the naysayers that thought their designs were too childish  and wouldnt be taken seriously!  They just went out there and find out what worked.

Her husband, at the attorney, had just launched his business when Susan started, today they both work in a 144,00 sq ft warehouse. built like a castle. It is built to foster creativity as seen in the King Tut room as well as Rt 66, Moose Lodge, Hippie Heaven and others. I love to hear how they made their "living" fun.

Which brings me to my point of all successful entrepeneurs: they make their living fun!  Compare that the with OG its Monday morning crowd and you see why theyre  happy  I love  to see people have the courage to follow up on their dreams..

The creative juices continue to flow at SuperDuper.. in fact looking at their site may inspire a few creative notions of your own.

Here is the link to the article:

I havent met Susan personally but I know that she would be the first to tell you, Follow your Dreams. Decide and then go for it.

"Motivation will get up in the morning but the force of habit will keep you on track."

Next blog will talk about such a one who by the force of their good habit created a life that they wanted. Along the way the way I am asked, well are you doing what God wants you to do. and I reply He wants me to do what I find joy in!!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Idaho Farm boy to Beverly Hills!

Most people have never heard of John Earl Shoaf, who is that ?  Well I bet you have heard of Jim Rohm if you  have been in sales for any length of time your manager has recommended or placed into your hands literature of CDs  by him.  Jim was reponsible for mentoring some of the greatest entrepeneurs of  our time, including Mark Victor Hansen, Tony Robbins, and many others.

He started out as farm boy in rural Idaho. He  worked as a clerk and at  25 wanted more.. one day he went and heard a speaker named John  Earl Roaf. This man, Roaf, from very humble beginnings himself rose to Executive  Vice President of a company selling nutritional products. Jim applied everything he had been taught and went from being a average worker to a millionaire in six short years, by the time he was 31 he  was well on his way to  a new career and new opportunities.

He published "The Five Missing Pieces of Lifes Puzzle" and many other works. Check and you will find an abundance of helps.  Due to his early success as a motivational speaker and  promoting himself as "Idaho farm boy moves to Beverly Hills"  he was invited to speak at luncheon and seminars all over the country... and a new career was born. He was one of the founding fathers of the success-self help movement.

Many thousands maybe millions have benefited from his ideas and story. The reason for his success early on was  focus. Focus is the driver that made him unique and stand out.  I say to you the same thing and to me as well. The key to your success in life will be your focus.  While many of us tend to shift from one idea to another the ones that really get ahead are the ones that lock down on good thing (objective) and bear down on it to its completion.

Jim Rohn our overcomer in this  Overcomer series.

Another  great man mentored by Jim is Jack Canfield author of Chicken Soup for the Soul

You can get some free helps by going to
 Join the online club and participate..
Have a good one!-

Monday, November 21, 2011

Have you ever really been hungry?

The World Hunger Organization has stated that of the nearly 7 billion people in the world, almost one billion will go hungry... and thats only counting the ones that are nearly starving.  Many more get by one meal ( if you can call it that) a day.

Have you ever been truly hungry? I mean a gnawing hungry that would make you want to eat anything that moved?  I rarely fast and most Christians dont fast for  more than a  day at a time: can you imagine going days without food?

Meanwhile here in the States, this Thursday and going through all the weekend we will have more than we can possibly eat. In fact our leftovers will be used to feed the poor.. Well sit down and have a grand meal with family, then have seconds later, maybe the piece of pie with ice cream  and coffee. Some people will gorge themselves with food, never taking a moment to consider their largesse.

Morever there are many who just as soon get swept up with the commercial tide that sweeps down on stores  all this week including Black Friday. They may toss a dollar bill in the salvation army basket,  but the fortunate nature of their existence doesnt really register with them. I  mean thats the way it has always been. They reckon that it will always be this way, but beware: It may not.

The Bible does say, in James 4:13-15  paraphrased,  We should not presume that we will do this or that, make plans without God. Rather we should say, "If the  Lord will, we will do this or that!" I  have been very presumptive about the good things in my life.   God abundantly supplies us with benefits, as Psalm 103 says and we should not assume that it shall continue. Sometimes we have to be prepared for the good times and the not so good times. Most of us have not experiened real persecution or famine in our  lifetime.  Paul knew how to enjoy the good and the bad,. "I have learned in whatesoever state I am therewith to be content!"

  * Out grocery stores are well stocked
  * Our water supply is continuos

  *  Our oil supply ( at least for the moment) remain unbroken

 * Our health is for most of us good and for others robust

Thanksgiving is a time of reflection and praise. Lets keep it that way, and focus more on the needs of others than it being a time of self agrandizement. As Christians, we are conduits of Gods blessing, How can we be that if we are imitating everybody else out there?   Ask yourself how you can be  a channel of blessing to someone today and the rest of your life. The old song says "Make me a channel of blessing today"

Here is a interesting link

Remember that the true hunger  that all humans have is for God. Our mission is to bridge that gap and show them that He can fill that hunger. 

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Lets Revive True Sportsmanship!

A recent article by Jerry Kreber a scout for the Cleveland Indians, and coach for many years in youth leagues and teams has laid his finger on the pulse of a  problem, THE LACK OF SPORTSMANSHIP!

Notice I didnt say Christian Sportsmanship, although that would be nice. No.. any kind of real sporstmanship. He says that technology has played a role in making people more prone to taunting and excessive celebration in games.  First of all let me say that technology is a  wonderful tool, if used well, however the net and chat rooms have made the bantering sink to new low levels. There is no real accountability for words, in fact the  NFL sometimes encourges this by allowing it on the field.

Today athletes can post their own websites, and you tube their personal videos adds to idea of personal promotion rather than team concept.  In sports modesty is condemned and laughed at, and vanity is encouraged.. As Christians, we know this  concept is wrong  and harmful to  a  Christians walk.  Imitating the wold, is not the way to be authentic.  The way I see it, thank God for your abilities your good health and give the ref the ball. I recently watched a local Furman game and saw good sportmanship. Score, have fun but dont taunt  and trash talk.  It only demeans you!  Am i saying a certain amt of self promotion for college and pro days, no.  Its just we need to know how to draw the line!

Witness the taunting of the Detroil Lions defensive lineman as they sack Tim Tebow. No its not enough to celebrate a good play, they have to..

Or an excellent article by Jeremele Hill of ESPN:

In it she talks  about  the way that the media and the world looks at true Christianity. The smug mocking attidude doesnt befit a true sportsman let alone a Christian. The issue is not in the taunts and celebration, its more of why Christians, specifically serious believers are targeted?

Does a fleeting moment of exposure mean that  its ok to mock a mans faith?  She remarked that people have a hard time accepting a  a strong believer because it makes them  uncomfortable.

Back to our topic of sportsmanship. It all starts at the home and with coaches,, if they allow these kind of things  then the attidude will prevail.  Whatever happened to just saying great play or going back to the huddle? why do you have to mock someone else in the process?   Parents  can condone bad behaviour or even encourage kids to act out by their behaviour at games.. I have seen men and women swear and curse and come close to  threatening the refs in games. Kids will follow the parents example.

Coaches can set a good example by cracking down on that "smug mocking" attidude of athletes before it gets started.. They set the mood the tone and the behaviour of the athletes. If you let it go or tolerate by just saying a few words, and let him play, you are party to it!

Brian Schulman, author of "Death of Sportsmanship" and creator of LTS (Learning Through Sports) educational system wanted to create something that taught kids, athletes  about good sportsmahship. I definitely think he is on to something.  Just because a  kid goes to a Christian school doesnt mean he has learned Christian sportmanship. Its not a coerced thing its a learned -from the heart thing..

Here is the link

Saturday, November 5, 2011

The Race that won the Big Races.... Overcomers series

I'm begining a series of articles on overcomers which I hope will be uplifting to you.. I welcome your comments and suggestions.  Please follow if you like... These  may be drawn from athletes, businessmen or women, actors, yes even policitians. The intent is to  encourage and  inspire us in our daily journey.

Many times the catalyst of many a person success starts from something pretty small. or so it might seem. However Glenn Cunningham didnt think it was small. Some of you might remember Glenn Cunningham as a super Olympic track star from the 1930's.  What stands out  about him what his sheer determination.  He broke through an invisible barrier that others would have never attempted. He overcame  intimidating obstacles and so can you.

Glenn was badly burned in a school house fire at eight. Doctors said he would never walk again, and even recommended that he have his legs ampuated.  Thank GOd his parents decided against it, and encouraged him to go to therapy. Through painful adjustments and therapy he was miraculously able to walk  and run .. by age 12 he had beaten some of his friends in a foot race. He reflects fondly on this, " as the race  that was the most important one.." the race that allowed him to find his true passion.

In the years ahead  he set the high school record for the mile, at 4.24 and later brought that down to 4.04 as a professional. That mark was unequaled until 17 years later when Roger Bannister broke the 4 minute barrier. All this from a man, who doctors said couldnt walk.. He went on to compete in the Olympics capturing the silver medal in the mile, and doing quite well in other middle distance races such as the 800 meters.

I have set some links in the blog that you might find helpful..., but I want to stress some  uncommon qualities about Glenn that we all would do well to emulate. First he had a strong spiritual foundation.. Unashamed to be called a Christian, he would quote Isaiah 40:31.   " They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength."   Today Christians that are outspoken like Glenn are ridiculed and even mocked. Check the Detroit Lions antics of Tim Tebow when they sacked him  several times in a football game.  IN this present age. people dont are uneasy about a strong Christian and will seek to bring him down, if only due to their discomfort!

Second  I want you to notice from the article :  His tremendous drive. This sounds like Michael Jordan. doesnt it? " Tell me something I can do it, and Ill prove you wrong."  (He might have failed at the baseball try, but he didnt because he attempted and achieved a level that most only dream about!)

There will be times when life will knock you down, leave you gasping for breath, and bewildered... youll wonder why me? Its not fair.. dont whine! Get up and learn from it, Glenn did.. and the world was a better place because of it. He set the course of his future by how he handled disheartening setbacks..

Thirdly, I want you to see  his humility. It was said that he spoke highly of his competitors, never cutting them down or talking trash. He never strutted his stuff  to call attention to himself, and was gracious in victory. Apparently many athletes think that taunting and trash talking is just part of the game!  Glenn's  modest attidude seems out of place today.. but he was a natural at   Christian sportsmanship..

More importantly he had a reason to be that, and it wasnt just to be humble. It was because he  saw himself as tool in the hands of God. He saw the bigger picture.. the kids looking to him as a role  model. He saw the opportunity to share his faith by his walk, not just by his talk!

He saw himself as a runner in a bigger race.. the race that Paul talked about.. the race of life. I Corinthians 9. Here stands a wonderful exhibit of Gods grace and a true sportsman. An overcomer!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Threads that Weave the Mosaic!

Howdy partners, I just got back from the zoo, well its been several days now. I had the occassion to enjoy the Riverbanks Zoo in Columbia. My was it a treat!  It has been some years since Ive been to a real zoo, and this one had over 2000 species, a very good  set animal exhibits, elephants, giraffes, zebra, lions and tiger.

As I roamed the grounds it was very apparent that I could  only skim the exhibits, not  take time to thoroughly enjoy them; it would have taken more than a day! SO many times we take things, including creation, for granted. We look at Animal Planet and National Geographic  yawn and change the channel.. remark that Ive seen that before. Remarkably it sometimes fails to make the impression on us that it should. THis world we live in, even in this advanced civiliation is still full of God mysteries resplendent through the animal kingdom!

Ps 40:5 Oh Lord how wonderful are Thy Works.
Oh Yes there was a Botanical Garden, I hurried through that, but at least I  now have some appreciation for the explosion of color and dizzying array of plants and flowers. The pools and fountains were a refreshing  and provoked the question, " I wonder what the Garden of Eden looked like?"

Doing some research I found out that there are approximately 1.5 to 2 million species discovered, and there might be 2-50 million yet to be discovered!  10.000 new species are discovered each year!!

I caught a picture of the giant snapping turtle, without realizing that there are 300 species of turtles. We went into the reptile house, ooh ing ahhing at the snakes and lizards, There are almost 8000  types.  Birds? forget it, there are  10,000 species of birds,a nd 30000 fish. Those is the  ones that we know.

The genius of Gods creation is revealed threads that occurred to me after I left the zoo.. I shall name a few.

We have covered the diversity. The sheer numbers boggle the mind and drive us to worship the Creators intelligence. He wasnt content with just creating one bird or fish, He is prolific. creator as seen throughout the universe.. man is just discovering how much he doesnt know.  A truism emerges, " When man thinks he knows all there is to know, there is a discovery in science that makes him a babe in the woods."

One:  The vast array or diversity of animal, reptile and plant life and Oh dont forget the mind boggling number of sea creatures. When man explores the deep sea he is still finding out creatures he didnt know existed!  God poured out his genius when he designed each creature. I only saw a few creatures, but I never come away nothing less than stunned.

Romans 11:33  Oh Lord how excellent is thy works and they ways past finding out.  We will never plum the depths of His creation, but we can enjoy and reflect upon it as God's crown jewel.
Oh Lord How wonderful are thy works... .
Second:  Because there is so many creatures on Planet Earth, there is also a interconnectivity throughout the food chain.

FOr example:  plants depend on insects, animals depend on plants, man depends on animals and plants for sustenance. A tiger depends on deer and various creatures for its meat, those creatures depends on the rain and the growth of plant life. We depend on tigers to keep the animal population down. etc the

All creatures draw from the breath of God, and are connected by the magnetic field, sight, sense, and sound. The world is one vast network of connections!  The Bible says,   Acts 17:28       " In whom we live and move and have our very being."

Third thread, is the functionality of the animals.. Take the bird for example. Each bird has a specific habitat which it thrives, certain food which it depends on, and a cerain coat which makes it adaptable to the climate that it lives in. Birds are migratory creatures, and as such they  can adapt to extremes of weather hot or cold.

Elephants are designed to not only capture their food by their tusks and trunk, but also to thrive in their environment. Their are desert elephants as well as African or Asian elephants. The trunks are designed to catch and split apart branches and fruit, and to also ward off lions.

I could go on and on with each creature bird or mammal, but you get the picture. A vast mosaic of the God handiwork.  When I consider the works of thy hands.. I am overwhelmed, and so should you!

For all those that think that all this evolved over billions of years, and that  animals developed this over time, youd got another thing  coming.  "In the beginning God created the heavens and  the earth, and GOd saw that it was very good!. Indeed it was!!    Within the millions of creatures each was given weapons and skills to provide and defend itself.

The scope of creation is too marvelous for us to comprehend but it is here for us to enjoy..

I could add another  thread and that is the artifice and intelligence in creation.

William Bartram was a 19century naturalists who had some interesting things to say.

If we bestow but a very little attention to the economy of the animal creation, we shall find manifest examples of premeditation, perseverance, resolution, and consumate artifice, in order to effect their purpose.

If we bestow but a very little attention to the economy of the animal creation, we shall find manifest examples of premeditation, perseverance, resolution, and consumate artifice, in order to effect their purpose.


If we bestow but a little attention to the economy of animal creation, we shall find manifest examples of premediation, perseverance, resolution, and consummate artifice, to affect their purpose.!!

It would do justice to render Bartram's quote about the whole of creation. After all he spend a lifetime studying it,  " On the recollection of so many and great favours and blessings, I now, with a high sense of gratitude  presume to offer up my sincere thanks to the  Almighty, the  Creator, and the Preserver."

Friday, October 21, 2011

Downward Spiral...

Learning how to handle the disappointments in life is a key to emotional stability. I learned this in a rather stark way through a friend of mine. We had talked about a previous suicide attempt and her desire to end it all..  LIFE JUST WASNT WORTH LIVING FOR!   Her family graciously talked her through it and she recovered sort of...
I found out later that she had a date set up and that person did not come through and stood her up. Now what do you think the average person would think or do. I know I would shrug it off and say, " Hey, this person is not worth my time and move one."  Unfortunately this person simply took a nose dive and started drinking. The old adage " you gotta be  stop when you had too much"   She just kept drinking more and more shots of  jack and coke. I received a call when I was in bed at 200 am.. come get me, I cant even walk!

Reluctantly I went to a local bar and picked her up literally and  helped her to her car, Wait no she was so "out of it" that she wasnt able to walk let alone drive! As  I was going out one of the patrons, said jokingly, "another satisfied customer" I laughed because it was funny,  but actually it was pretty pathetic!

The most salient point here is the Downward Spiral that we cause when we respond to situations as if it were life and death. Pulling on a Jack Daniels, etc is just too easy and may  be a  way of escape, but only for a little while. Your body will remind you of your  dumb move.  Why not think of more constructive ways to handle your frustration?

How about exercise, or a game of chess? how about kicking the crap out of punching bag, or running on the treadmill? instead of quaffing beer? How about attacking the problem at its core, or thought  process?

We are not so different: all of us have our little vices that we use when we are down ,depressed, or angry. The trick is to strive make them healthier. We cannot run from ourself and our problems, so its best stand up own our stuff and work through  it!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Have you ever had the experience of dating someone,  getting to know them, (you think) then suddenly they vanish like Houdini in a puff of smoke? You are going along pretty well, communicating and the bottom drops out. You try to text or call them and they simply refuse to get back with you.!

You can call it what you want, you just lost interest, she was seeing somebody else, or just got busy. I really have little patience for such. There is  such a thing as courtesy and respect.,.. something that was present a week ago, now all of a sudden its not. It doenst make sense and  demeans the other party.  When you dont communicate with that person, you are basically insulting them. You are saying in so many words, or lack of them, (I dont think you are important enough to talk.. too soo Ill do the easiest thing and cop out...

Silence is not golden when it comes to relatioships. More people are hurt by the lack of communication that are helped by it. What you dont do if you respect and value a person, is just disappear without an explanation. Sometimes I think some people have a total lack of empathy,, they cannot  put themselves in the other  person shoes, or be able to reverse  that and see it through their own eyes.

The missing link in marriages and in failed business ventures is missing or bad communication. Assumptions are deadly because they are many times erroneous. The  very people that put up nice profiles that want rich rewarding relationships, often  are the  pathetic  at  communication . Take it from me , I know.

Relationships take work, and that means open honest and free communication.  It takes time and energy to work on one..something apparently that some people are not ready to do!

One tip:  Be clear about what you want.. and fearlessly express it..It will separae the pretenders from the contenders!

She makes some very salient points , but expresses the same bewilderment about what dating has come to,. Perhaps Im  a lttle old fashioned ,but.. she is on to the updated and ultra sleek  modern form of cyber dating. We think we have more but we actually have less.  Short attention spans mean that we are juggling..  instead of focusing on the moment and the person we are too busy planning our next move.

No silence is not golden, and there is a missing link. ala really honest open communication!

Monday, September 26, 2011


I remember as a child skipping rocks across a lake and watching the flat stones skip much farther than I thought possible. Another phenomenon that I discovered as a young guy was the ripple effect. WHen you dropped  a rock or anything in the water it created a wider swatch of circles from the source. Similarly, the consequences of our actions hold a much wider effect than we can possibly imagine.

Case in Point:  9-11  When that event smashed into our life, it created ripple effects of staggering purportions! In  a smaller way our actions, and particularly the way we interract with others causes very profound ripple effects. These can be very good  or not so good at all.  Mahmhat Ghandi started a movement in India that has very constructive effects to this day, He  was the primary reason why India has evolved into a growing democracy.

Othe effects:   Large churches such as the ones here in town; I.E  Brookwood and Redemption  in Greenville with started with strong intention and healthy faith. A handful of people with a strong belief has affected not only this community but large numbers of people around the country, and around the world! The ripple effects are deep and pervasive. For example Brookwood send missiionaries around the globe but it all started with a small group that broke off from Mauldin First Baptist.. they saw a niche that could be filled with broken and hurting people in the community and it mushroomed into a megachurch of 6,000 people!

Redemption Outreach started witht the vision of Ron Carpenter  and a handful of folks that rented out a building off Woodruff Rd just a few years back, today it has created one of the largest church in the southeast, with effects on many thousands of lives.

Personally, I attend  the church I do because of the way I was treated. Several people from a Sunday School class took time with me and showed me the love of God. THey reached out and invested in me their time and energy and it impressed me profoundly. Ripple effects: they are small causes that explode into bigger ones if properly nourished.

Conpanies distinquish themselves, by applying the golden rule of customer service. Treat another like you would like to be treated and then go one better. Be better at it than anyone else.

This article really brings it out:

Every company whether it was Amazon or Fed Ex went out of their way to overdeliver on their promise. They spent just as much energy retaining a customer as they did purseing them initially! That is how you make meaningful connections and corral lifelong customer service.

This is the fulcrum of dynamic sales professionals. They know that their future income and the life of their company is based on how well they treat their customers! The wrong ripple effect creats a wrong impression that can last for years. Weve all had it. Lets make positive ripple effects, knowing that Solomon said it best in Ecc. 11:1              "Cast thy bread upon they waters for thou shall find it after many days."

This young man caught my attention as a shining example of putting relationship before profit. He personifies the spirit of what capitalism and Christianity should be, Get to know somebody first and build on a relationship before you go on to what you can "do for them"  Link

Are you creating ripple effects? Good ones..are you looking at the long term or more concerned about your bottom line?

A friend once told me her story in rural central KS of a ministry that challenged her thinking and patience. Many were the obstacles to sustain it, but so were the blessings: the ripple effects that she was creating in her community for long term and eternal good. When she leaves that ministry she will have "paid it forward" she will have created relationships that will change lives.. that is the ripple effect we are talking about.

Steve Harper has an approach that works very well. When going to a network, how many times has a business card been thrust in your face, and an elevator pitch been rolled out before you actually got to know tha person? Its often, and the difference, is small but very crucial. Steve recommends building a relationship first before trying to tell them your story!!  Again youve heard it before. "People dont  care about you know until they know how much you care"  So true, and so rare to see.. building a relationship with somebody and caring about them as a person shows up in the small things. Steve can tell you firsthand!
Its the kind of thing that builds life long sales and loyal clients.  Want to build a huge referral base and have business coming to you?  Start building a connection first.

Monday, September 12, 2011

The McDonalds Miracle!

Business are a lot like scienitific experiments. A lot of them do not work, but a few prized ones do. The facts remains  that more than 50 % of  businesses fail in their first couple years of operation. But for those that do.. ie Apple, Netflix, Microsoft, Oracle, Sara's Kitchen. among many others  that do  sometimes work beyond the wildest expectations!  McDonalds    started  by Ray Kroc more than 50 years ago has grown to serving more than 64 million customers daily. That is more than the population of most countries! It has been a model business  that has been improved and refined over the years; securing its place in the top most successful businesses  of all time.

While some may debate the health, ethical, or career issues with MCD's there is no debating their success.

All  successful businesses have a certain enviroment and product that makes it unique. McDonalds product by and large are not unique.  You can get a latte or a burger in a dozen places, however  MCD's  manages to sell more burgers and happy meals that anybody else. Why? Why does Mcdonalds reign king for over a half a century in a very hotly contested fast food market. Simple and yet not so simple.

I was there  the other day.. and no I actually wasnt eating. I was using their wi fi, and just watching the people flow in and out.  Upon reflection I have noticed several things that distingquish MCD's from any other fast food joint and that word is CONVENIENCE!!  McDonalds masters the only thing that really matters timing and customer service. . Rarely have I been in any McDonalds that I had to wait more than a few minutes for my food. However I have been in a plenty of other FFJ that they got my order wrong, they made me wait 5 minutes or longer, or worse yet acted like I interrupted something when I came to order!

McDonalds also has another a great System in place that can be duplicated in the world with the same predictable results. It has perfected a business plan over the decades of trial and error. There is no guess work when it comes training, design, and system implementation. Obviously they have the winning combination. In business, usually the best system is what is already in place by the top distributor or business owner. Incredibly, many smart people still want to tinker and reinvent the wheel!

McDonalds still has its finger on the pulse of American society, and adjusts to trends as needed, For instance when the coffee craze with Starbucks, and other franchises; it adjusted to and rolled its own decent brands. It didnt have to be the best brand only somewhat competitive. When the wifi craze has swept across the country, and many cafes with wi fi hotspots sprang up, McDonalds adjusted and remodeled its bldgs to accomdodate the student and  younger generation.

For all its faults, and high calorie meals, McDonalds stands alone in its apparent domination of the market for decades to come. The Mcdonalds brand  is one of the chief ways Americanism and its products are introduced to other countries.

Chief lesson here, sometimes success doesnt have to be invented it has to be only effectively copied. I doubt Ray Kroc with the Speedee logo back in 1940 would have imagined the juggernaut they had started, but I do know that McDonalds can serve as an inspiration to all of us. 

No one else does what they do as well consistently over the vast platform that they preform as Mcdonalds!  THat is the not so easy key to their success!

Some fun and not so fun facts about McDonalds:

Fun Facts about them

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Handling Fear

I had the occassion to spend time with my little brother, Malaki. Malaki is my adopted brother who is taking part in the Big Brother program. I have had the unique privilege and joy of talking and sharing moments of joy with this precocious youngster. He is all of seven and bound and determined to explore all that life has to offer him. Once I took him out to the pool and he was like a young man possessed, He couldnt't get enough of it, I had to practically drag him out of the pool.

Hes not afraid to take a hit. Malaki plays football and is just learning what his body and mind can do. Sometimes though his body and mind get confused and fear rules. We've all had fears: I had fear of heights when I was young.. fear of public speaking (most of us do)... Malaki as it turns out had a morbid fear of dogs! I didnt know that until he practically did a 180 turned  and jumped  into my arms as we went into Petsmart!. For a second, I didnt know  what he was doing, until a little furry creature (dog) showed up just wanted to sniff him, youd think it was a crocodile lunging out of the lagoon, He was terrified.

All of a sudden he wanted to hold my hand tightly, so  we walked around the store and I calmed him down. Evidently Malaki has had a very bad experience with dogs. Funny, what other consider threatening others consider nonthreatening... The same boy that loved the water, and meeting new friends, felt threatened by a little dog.?

Fears are illogical, sometimes it doesnt make sense. When we assess our fears it stimulates the fight or flight response. Other times it is just new experiences that we resist. We get so comfortable with the routine. However this limits our future prospects. We cannot live solely  by our emotions, we have  to use our minds when confronting fear.

Fear is paralyzing. Just as Malaki had a mortal fear of dogs, we all have paralyzing fears. If we allow them to paralyze us, it is our trap built with our own hands. Instead of being the free and open youngster he was cowering behind my back in the store.  Fear will do that to any body.

Shakespeare once said, " Fear makes us cowards of us all."

Lastly, fear distorts reality. Malaki  had seen dogs before, but his sense of reality was distorted because he felt that a harmless old Muffi was going to get him. Only by desensitizing him, do we have a chance to cure him of this. Eventually hes going to have a couple of good experiences with dogs, and he will be fine.

In much the same way.. in life we all need good experiences to replace a fear of phobia. In many cases the fear of public speaking and a new job, is unfounded. With confidence  and conditioning, we can overcome many obstacles that thwarted us many times before. I once read a book by Susan Jeffers entitled, Feel the Fear and Do it anyway"     So true, many times the fear is what Zig Ziglar calls   False   Evidence Appearing Real.

And so it is, the same primal fear that stymied normally a happy go lucky kid stops many adults.  Face your fears head on and take action.

Friday, July 15, 2011

The Eyes of Faith

The hands that built this country were also accompanied by eyes of faith. How can you ascribe personal qualities to faith?..The Bible tells us that "faith is the substance of thing hoped for the evidence not seen."  Hebrews 11:1 This week I read through Greg Braddens book, the  Divine Matrix.  In it he talked about the "other reality" Everything we see was once in someone's mind. The invisible reality made the present reality.

This reality is not yet realized, it a thing of the future. In one of the chapters..he talked about acting in the present about the future.. In other words,  feeling as if you were already there. 'Acting as if you were already there"  is the key to  making it all come together!  We all have amazing imaginations that work wonders or wreck our dreams before we start!

All of us have dreams and  aspirations. Some of  them are unrealistic, some are real to us..  I read  about  a John Paul DeJona who came from being homeles twice to becoming a billionaire. The man who sold the dream of the famous line of hairstyling products whos known the  world over.. An unbelievable story but the same truth prevails: Each person had a dream but they saw through 'the eyes of faith' what could be.  AND THEY ACTED IN THE PRESENT.

You need not have a huge dream to lead nations, or a Fortune 500 corp, but you need to revive your own personal dreams. You need to nourish that dreams, picture  it, and associate  with people that are dream makers, not dream stealers.

Personally I see the future and where I want to be, i step into the picture and try in envision it intensely with as much detail as I can. The mind can only act on the images the subconscious gives it. The stronger images you give your mind to work from, the more "personal experience"

Imagine the life you want, through the "eyes of faith."

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Jagged Edge of Technology

We live in a rapidly expanding world of technology, in fact according to IDC the amount of digital information doubles every 18 months. A staggering amount of info is available to us, no wonder we operate on overload a good deal of the time. Every since the advent of the internet in the 60s with DARPA, and its recent meteoric rise since the early 90s, technology has us on its jagged edge.  Moore's Law states that integration of technology and its power to speed up transfer has doubled every two years. THis law goes back about 40 years

Jagged edge because with one benefit comes a host of problems along with it. What was heralded as a wonderful invention and convenience has now become a tool for changing how people interract and amuse themselves, and not always in a healthy balanced way.
Take your kids, most kids if theyre like the ones I know spend most of their free time on the internet or video games. When I was growing up, of course it was a different story! Kids today desperately need balance in their lives but often live in the cyber world and as such  have a distorted idea of the world.

Socially, the technology has ezpanded the amount of people we can interface with, People used to meet around a bar or club, or social event such as a dance. Now the majority of them meet initially on the internet. Some have met their lives, many more still wait for the magical one to appear. The promise of the internet and its vast reach hasnt translated into love yet. Others have been the victims of fraud or even violent crime, because it is hard to ascertain a person's character through the keyboard. Technology has left us fewer ways to autentically interract, and when we do, our minds refuse to let us relax and be in the moment!

Divorce has become much more prominent with the advent of social media. Many more options have not made it any easier for us to stick to mongamous relationships. The wondering eye has never been filled with so many tempting ways to go astray. In our next segment we will explore how technology has changed our health.

The following segments will  cover how technology has made it easier to  make money but also delivered tons of scammers to our doorstep. Problem: how to determine a winner from a loser.

Technology has robbed us of quiet meditative time alone. Instead we feel compelled to do what everybody else is doing, go online. We gain a companion but its no subsitute for  meaningful personal interraction.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

A Grand Reunion

Recently I was fortunate to go back to my fathers old home place and area where he grew up. I had the occassion to atend a reunion of my Dad's extended family.. It is in a very rural area of Virginia called the Northern Neck.  Y ou have to appreciate this rather  isolated area of  Virginia because I soon found out how isolatd it was. In trying to reach my parents. I was unable to reach my parents on the cell, so I had to drive around to a  live zone to reach them. I have been here off and on for over 30 years and very little has changed about this community.

Maybe thats the charm of it, unchanged and slow paced as it was, stark contrast to the helter skelter pace of Richmond or DC.  Although I was late, i was welcomed like i had never left. I hadnt seem some of my Aunts and Uncles for many years I had wonderful conversation with my Aunt Dorothy and Lucille. ,,was able to talk with Aunt Thelma, and see Uncle Emory.  The years have told on many of them but they still have that sweet friendly down home spirit that I remember.  Cant forget Uncle Johhny nearing 80 but still spry as ever.

All to quickly they started to leave before I really got into the conversation,,I know I wanted to videotape the event and perhaps inject some games nexy year. Im glad that I went, because it reminded of heaven. It will be a wondrous time of reunion where we will be able to converse and understand each other on a level that we couldnt before. The best thing is that they wont be going anywhere, as we will spend all eternity servnig and praising God.  Some of my relatives had aches and pains, and were stooped with age, in heaven all sickness and death will pass away. My grandmother who just passed away recently at nearly 103 will be there unfazed with age.

Tears come to my eyes, as I read this precious verse:  Rev 21:4    And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes, for there shall be more death, no sorrow or crying, neither shall there be any more pain, for the former things are passed away!

We as Christians are going to the best REUNION of all!!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Perilous times... Our Redemption draws closer

While I am not one to set dates I do know that God is coming back to rescue his own. The unrest and turmoil of the masses and the wars and rumours of wars all point to a central event. The coming of Jesus Christ to rapture his own.  We are comforted by this in Matthew 24, He tells us, "When you see these things come to pass look up for your redemption draws night!"  Wow what a  promise!  Never in the history of man has the convergence of things (events technology, and natural events). have led us to today.
The Bible tells us that famine, pestilence, natural disasters, would accelerate toward the end. People tell me that they are worried about the world, and our country. The media assaults us every day with bad news, cataclysms, disasters  so it is imperative that we do a mental cleanse. We cant insulate ourselves from  events, but we can exude an outward calm that teaches the world that we have  a hope. A hope that  is every bit as sure as the  sun rising tomorrow morning. Many people express fear and anxiety about the future and who can blame them.  The good thing is that we can have the bedrock certainty of a bright and glorious future. A future that not only is peaceful in heaven, but a Comforter that is with us during the interim.

Matt 24 is an expose of the modern times,  I Peter 1:4. We have a inheritance that fadeth not away. we also have reason to be glad today. Times like these drive people to know and hunger for the truth, a truth that we can use to inform them about the truth.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Review of the movie Limitless

The other day I had the chance to go watch Limitless, a movie starring Bradley Cooper and Robert Deniro. The basic theme of the movie was that Cooper, a broke and down on his luck writer ran into an old childhood buddy, who introduced him to the "break" of his life, or so he thought.

This wonder drug was supposed to dramatically improve the memory and recall of his brain, and open up the floodgates of his memory. He had nothing to lose so he tried it, and shazzam he was transformed into superman overnight. He was able to write books in days what it  might take him a year, learn piano in days, languages the same. It all came to him effortlessly.

Only problem was, the drug wore off within a couple of days, and he was always in need of replenishment. One thing led  to another, and he developed a craving  for it, so much that he borrowed money from a loan shark/mobster. It was a  wrong move and one he would regret later. After a meteoric rise to the top of the trading world, he discovers Mr Koon a Wall Street legend who wants to meet him, He signs on with Koon as his adviser, and together they build a monopoly on the Street. Only problem is that his powers desert him when the drug runs out of his system.. During the movie powerful questions emerge about power and its nature that most peope never really think about.

At the beginning Cooper stands on the ledge of a high rise ready to take his life, at the end he looks at his life from the same vantage point only for a different reason. Life as we perceive at the top is not the same as it is really is.

What would you do if you had access to all that money and power?

If you had that power how would you use it?

Would you have safeguards in place that would or would not reinforce your belief system?

Would you use that same power to enrich yourself and bank account or would you choose nobler goals?

Do you think that Bradley Cooper could have anticipated all the problems his decisons brought him?

Drug addiction issues are front and center here

Doesnt money power and drugs bring dangerous bedfellows?

At the end of the movie he ran for Senate and his Wall St pal  shewd up (ostensibly to donate money tohsi campaign) trying to blackmail him. In the end was he able to overcome his demons, if so how?

How does genius, power and success blind us to the truth about reality?

What does this tell Christians about the deceitfulness of riches??

IN summary, the quest for power and its attainment is rife with its own pitfalls. What we say we want or yearn for is sometimes not what we want at all.

Solomon, said paraphrased, I pursued and explored it all, and said it was all vanity.

The conclusion of the movie was refreshing, for it showed a man that had kicked the opressive hold that the drug had on him, and gained back his "right" mind.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Tiger by the Tail?

It seems only yesterday that Tiger Woods was the toast of the golfing world. Kids wanted to be like him, fellow PGA golfers stood in awe of him, or at least had a healthy respect as this kingpin of the golfing universe. Not so anymore.. if anybody has been remotely up on PGA these days, (which I am not), they know that Tiger appears to be a broken man.

Several months ago, he confessed to having muliple affairs with other women. He turned his back on the beautiful Ellie         and their marriage and now is quite a different man. No longer the threat he once was, it appears that the scandal did more than break up his marriage. It also broke up his golf game!  Now am I saying that just because he has an affair, he loses his edge?  No.. but one cant argue that Tiger Woods has been very unremarkable since he was a married man.

I am not saying he didnt have respect for his marriage and his wife, but somewhere along the way, he thought he could lead a double life and get away with it. He tried to convince us that what he did had nothing to do with the public and was his private business, True Tiger, BUT when you are one of the richest ever to play professional sports, you pay a much higher price than your average Joe!

First insight:  When you are in a very visible position, you fall much harder. The higher you are, the harder you fall.

Second insight:  When you see celebrities that fall take note, that they are going through a adjustment period . their value system is being recalibrated .. I bet Tiger misses his wife, and the relationship they had badly; he cannot get it back with all the money in the world! He has passed the point of no return. Learn that with choosing your actions that consequences will come it is just the severity of it that may surprise us!

Third insight  Tiger life has been irrevocably changed, it is up to him to reframe his life in the best possible ways. He has nearly unlimited financial resources has his disposal,but all that aside he still has the power to inspire many people. This is the same with us; no matter what has happend to you. It is not what happens to you, it what you do with it that matters!!  Christians have the additional comfort to know that God is soverign in their life, and will work things out for their own good and His glory, if we remain flexible to His guidance.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Presidents Day

My Presidents Day is one day late, sorry nevertheless, lets reach into the distant past to find a president that very few people (save history buffs and professors) know about. On Presidents day many yearn for the days of Reagan and his no nonsense approach  and calm steady hand at the wheel. However there were other presidents  that were very instrumental in shaping the country that we now live in.

Lets move away from Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, Reagan, to our 11th president. This man came into office with four clearly defined goals. At the time our country was mostly east of the Missippi river and James Polk was poised to dramatically expand it!

Among some of his favorite quotes were: "Foreign powers do not seem to appreciate the true power the true character of our government."  While in that day he was referring to Britain and Mexico, it couldnt be more true today. Our country power and respect has declined in the world, and many will continue to challenge it, not the least of which are the followers of Islam.

"There is more selfishness and less principle among members of Congress...than i have had any conception of, before I became president of the United States. "TRUE AGAIN. human nature hasnt changed at all, there are more self serving, egocentric people in Congress than anywhere else in the world.

Polk believed in being a one term president and stuck to his word,.More Congressmen and woman ought to follow the same lead. Congressmen go into Washington with the idea of changing it, instead it forever changes them!

He also said, "No president that preforms his duties faithfully and conscientiously can have any leisure"  While i do not totally agree with this, his point is clear. His focus was on being a servant to the people, not a demagogue or celebrity to the masses. Today our presidents  recline in luxury and take long extensive vacations, Polk was dedicated to the issues of state.

Among his goals were:

The expansion of Oregon territory, which included California, a vital acquisition for westward expansion.

the expansion of Texas and  New Mexico, He established dominance with Mexico, which went to war with the country over New Mexico and California.

The lowering of tariffs, in the Walker tariff act of 1846, that opened up free trade.

He also consummated the Louisinia Purchase which articulated the "Manifest Destiny" so crucial to the growth of our nation, and the opportunity for each citizen to find his own place in the  West.

These goals were essential to the continous  growth and prosperity of the nation, and James Polk was front and center. He spoke and then delivered on those lofty goals.

Lastly Polk also oversaw some of the events;

The opening of the Naval Academy

The opening of the Smithsonian

The Washington Monument

The issuance of the first postage stamps.

The country by our standards was still raw and untamed, but Polk went a long way to moving America along to the country that it was bound to be.

 On his deathbed he told his wife, Sarah Childress, which lived to be 88, "I love you sarah, for all eternity I will love you." Passing on early due to cholera, he embodied as steadfast love that is become rarer by the day. She never married again, and dressed in black until she died in 1891. Our country could learn something from this man.

We salute James Polk on this President day, long gone but not forgotten.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


Learning to speak well in public is a wonderful skill that can pay off handsomely if you use it well. I have made this one of my goals, yet since the start of the New Year have yet to start it. I went with a friend to check it out, and what do you know they ask me to do one of their table topics.

Now I wasnt feeling all that well, and said to myself, this is  not one of those nights i want to give any kind of speech..It is  just hard to flip a switch and feel good and on your toes, when you have told yourself "bad day"  The body follows the mind, so I got up there to opine on FB and had precious little to say and no humor to add with it. I felt awkward and somewhat disappointed with myself...

Learning to deal with your awkward moments is even more important. One of the most important thing to do is to learn how to change your mental state. Not easy but possible. Thinking on your feet and pulling stuff out of the air even when it isnt your favorite topic, is hard, but it i a good exercise.  Instantly i started critizing TM and how they evaluate everything to death. However most of it is positive feedback, and it helps people feel like have a peer group upon which to lean on as they strive for personal and professional growth.

I have felt that awkward moment with sale calls, socializing, and being put on the spot; if we let it spur us on to greater development and mental flexibility we get stronger and more confident in the long run.

Dont let awkward moments where you didnt look the way you wanted, let it be a CATALYST. Tony Robbins has some excellent work on managing your mental states for success.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Unstoppable Force!

A small part of the universe exploded in the New Mexico desert near Los Alamos, the explosion of the nuclear bomb. the weapon the ended WW II and kept the major powers at bay. In 1945 man was able to exploit in miniscule form, the mighty  energy of the universe, locked up in the atom. In short the Gamma Ray burst was a microsm of the awesome energy unleashed from a supernova. This dying star has the power of all the energy ever produced by the sun in its 15 billion year lifespan. (evolutionary time scale of course)

Think about that for a moment, and then think about the coming apocalypse when God decides to create a new heavens and a new earth. As he says in Peter that "the elements shall melt with a fervent heart"  He also hints at the intense heat that will plague the earth's inhabitants during the tribulation period. Im no scientist, but in listening to the History channel I am awestruck by the killer radiation that is released by these stars. An unstoppable force is coming to stop Satan  and his principalities in their tracks and Im so glad that I am on the winning side!

Did you know that gamma rays (electromagnetic radiation) are used to kill cancer cells?  The higher end of the electromagnetic field are the gamma rays that emanate from dying stars.  We experience radiation from the sun and have to put on sunblock to protect ourselves. One day man will "cry for the rocks and the mountains" to crush him to hide himself from the judgements from the heavens. (matt 24:29) and Rev 6, as the power of the heavens will be shaken. Dear friends, Christians are not going to be here, but alas for the poor souls that will!! Whose side will you be on?  Are you part of God's family?

As I watched this history channel program  it became painfully clear that there are forces in the universe that we are just beginning to is just a babe when it comes to understanding divine power!  If the power of life and death can be tapped by using  gamma rays to kill cancer, and kill human beings (atomic bomb), imagine what will happen when the fury of GOd is unleashed??

Two things came to mind. First I am happy that God has designed this earth the way he has, because most of the radiation and gamma rays from the sun and other stars are absorbed by the earth's atmosphere. ( no accident) However all God has to is explode one star a few million light years away and the earth is vaporized!  Secondly, I am glad that God has given us a way of avoiding the judgement of the seven seals found in Revelation. He gives us a glimpse of the horrors to come to befall the earth's  inhabitants; the earth could literally burn up with radiation, (protection removed) or a star could shower our planet with killer gamma rays, and toast the earth. However God chooses to do it, is up to Him. He has offered a way out of this carnage on planet earth..and stands at the door of our heart knocking.. Rev 3:20.. Will you listen?

Thank God I will be a spectator to witness this awesome display, wher will you be>

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Crystal Ball of Change? What will happen in the New Year?

Well here we are at the helm of a New Year, the year 2011, the beginning of a new decade.  I am reminded of what happened this weekend over at my parents place for New Years dinner, one of my nieces comes up to me and complains that the video games that I bought for Christmas, only a week after, had already outlived its usefulness. She had already maxed out the levels and was fairly bored with it. I thought my how things have changed; When I was a kid Tonka trucks, hot wheels, and race tracks were in, and we could derive many hours of fun, from simple things. Things like cowboys and indians, and regular sports. Today kids, get bored and restless if they're not wired into a video game, and that enhances their cycle of excitement and subsequent boredom.  That is an entirely different topic that I could go on and on about it.

What will happen in the new year? Everybody likes to predict, like mini prophets, but change is elusive as it is unpredictable.

In light of the New Year, I wanted to pose a different topic, change, and the cycles of life. All much too vast to cover in a blog post but sufficient to help us as we take on the new year.   Emerson one of my favorite authors had this to say, "The eye is the first circle, the horizon which it forms is the second. This primary figure is rpeated without creed. We are all our lifetime reading th copious sense of this first of forms.

Life is a circle. We progress rise to new heights, and come full circle, then expand. This year I am challenged to dramatically expand my circle. Inherent in that circle is relentless and the incessant beat of change. The only question is whether we can adjust to it. Technology has taken over our society, but do we know how to really harness it to meet our goals, and satisfy our inner longings?

How will this change affect our jobs our occupation and economic security?

Technology has changed the way we work,the way we network and communicate, and the way we play. Ae you thinking out the implications of this in your business, and personal life? If your job is going to be outmoded by technology have you adjusted to that? I found an good blog that helps us to survive maybe even thrive on that change. Hope you willl go to.

We may not have a crystal ball, but we certainly have trends, and those that study  and apply those are personally are apt to benefit the most.

"Our life is a apprenticeship to the tuth, that around every circle another can be drawn. There are no fixtures n nature, the universe is fluid and volatile. Permanence is but a word of degrees"   (Essay First and Second Series) Ralph Waldo Emerson

This year I resolve to use the internet to help power some of the changes in business and networking, I hope you will do the same.