Tuesday, April 5, 2011

A Grand Reunion

Recently I was fortunate to go back to my fathers old home place and area where he grew up. I had the occassion to atend a reunion of my Dad's extended family.. It is in a very rural area of Virginia called the Northern Neck.  Y ou have to appreciate this rather  isolated area of  Virginia because I soon found out how isolatd it was. In trying to reach my parents. I was unable to reach my parents on the cell, so I had to drive around to a  live zone to reach them. I have been here off and on for over 30 years and very little has changed about this community.

Maybe thats the charm of it, unchanged and slow paced as it was, stark contrast to the helter skelter pace of Richmond or DC.  Although I was late, i was welcomed like i had never left. I hadnt seem some of my Aunts and Uncles for many years I had wonderful conversation with my Aunt Dorothy and Lucille. ,,was able to talk with Aunt Thelma, and see Uncle Emory.  The years have told on many of them but they still have that sweet friendly down home spirit that I remember.  Cant forget Uncle Johhny nearing 80 but still spry as ever.

All to quickly they started to leave before I really got into the conversation,,I know I wanted to videotape the event and perhaps inject some games nexy year. Im glad that I went, because it reminded of heaven. It will be a wondrous time of reunion where we will be able to converse and understand each other on a level that we couldnt before. The best thing is that they wont be going anywhere, as we will spend all eternity servnig and praising God.  Some of my relatives had aches and pains, and were stooped with age, in heaven all sickness and death will pass away. My grandmother who just passed away recently at nearly 103 will be there unfazed with age.

Tears come to my eyes, as I read this precious verse:  Rev 21:4    And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes, for there shall be more death, no sorrow or crying, neither shall there be any more pain, for the former things are passed away!

We as Christians are going to the best REUNION of all!!

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