Saturday, November 5, 2011

The Race that won the Big Races.... Overcomers series

I'm begining a series of articles on overcomers which I hope will be uplifting to you.. I welcome your comments and suggestions.  Please follow if you like... These  may be drawn from athletes, businessmen or women, actors, yes even policitians. The intent is to  encourage and  inspire us in our daily journey.

Many times the catalyst of many a person success starts from something pretty small. or so it might seem. However Glenn Cunningham didnt think it was small. Some of you might remember Glenn Cunningham as a super Olympic track star from the 1930's.  What stands out  about him what his sheer determination.  He broke through an invisible barrier that others would have never attempted. He overcame  intimidating obstacles and so can you.

Glenn was badly burned in a school house fire at eight. Doctors said he would never walk again, and even recommended that he have his legs ampuated.  Thank GOd his parents decided against it, and encouraged him to go to therapy. Through painful adjustments and therapy he was miraculously able to walk  and run .. by age 12 he had beaten some of his friends in a foot race. He reflects fondly on this, " as the race  that was the most important one.." the race that allowed him to find his true passion.

In the years ahead  he set the high school record for the mile, at 4.24 and later brought that down to 4.04 as a professional. That mark was unequaled until 17 years later when Roger Bannister broke the 4 minute barrier. All this from a man, who doctors said couldnt walk.. He went on to compete in the Olympics capturing the silver medal in the mile, and doing quite well in other middle distance races such as the 800 meters.

I have set some links in the blog that you might find helpful..., but I want to stress some  uncommon qualities about Glenn that we all would do well to emulate. First he had a strong spiritual foundation.. Unashamed to be called a Christian, he would quote Isaiah 40:31.   " They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength."   Today Christians that are outspoken like Glenn are ridiculed and even mocked. Check the Detroit Lions antics of Tim Tebow when they sacked him  several times in a football game.  IN this present age. people dont are uneasy about a strong Christian and will seek to bring him down, if only due to their discomfort!

Second  I want you to notice from the article :  His tremendous drive. This sounds like Michael Jordan. doesnt it? " Tell me something I can do it, and Ill prove you wrong."  (He might have failed at the baseball try, but he didnt because he attempted and achieved a level that most only dream about!)

There will be times when life will knock you down, leave you gasping for breath, and bewildered... youll wonder why me? Its not fair.. dont whine! Get up and learn from it, Glenn did.. and the world was a better place because of it. He set the course of his future by how he handled disheartening setbacks..

Thirdly, I want you to see  his humility. It was said that he spoke highly of his competitors, never cutting them down or talking trash. He never strutted his stuff  to call attention to himself, and was gracious in victory. Apparently many athletes think that taunting and trash talking is just part of the game!  Glenn's  modest attidude seems out of place today.. but he was a natural at   Christian sportsmanship..

More importantly he had a reason to be that, and it wasnt just to be humble. It was because he  saw himself as tool in the hands of God. He saw the bigger picture.. the kids looking to him as a role  model. He saw the opportunity to share his faith by his walk, not just by his talk!

He saw himself as a runner in a bigger race.. the race that Paul talked about.. the race of life. I Corinthians 9. Here stands a wonderful exhibit of Gods grace and a true sportsman. An overcomer!

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